Confederación Panamericana de Esgrima

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The Confederación Panamericana de Esgrima (CPE) (Spanish) or Pan American Fencing Confederation (English) ("Panamerikanicher Fechtverband") is the American continental federation for the sport of fencing . The association, which was founded in 1951, currently has 32 national associations. He organizes the annual Pan American Championships .


The organization was founded on March 8, 1951 in Buenos Aires and received its legal form on March 23, 1955 in Mexico City . Fencing has been part of the Pan American Games program since it was first held in 1951, and the CPE now also organizes annual Pan American Championships. There are currently 32 national fencing associations represented in the CPE.


The member countries are divided into three geographical regions (South America, Central America and the Caribbean, North America). The Executive Committee, consisting of a President and three Vice-Presidents, is elected by the annual Congress. Each region must be represented by a vice president. The executive committee convenes committees on various specialist staff. The headquarters of the organization is in the country of the last elected president, the official languages ​​are Spanish and English. The current president is the Mexican Vitaly Logvin Grechuhin (elected until 2019).

See also

List of fencing associations

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. member countries. CPE, accessed November 12, 2016 .
  2. Articles of Association. CPE, accessed November 12, 2016 .