Conway episode

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The Conway sequence is a mathematical sequence named after the British mathematician John Horton Conway . It was first published in 1986 by John Conway. ( Lit .: Conway, 1986).

The Conway episode is very often found as a puzzle . Usually the first few parts of the episode are revealed and the candidate is asked to continue the episode. Due to the rather unusual definition of the episode, this has some headache.

Because of the way she was educated , Conway called her the Audioactive Series.


The terms of the sequence are defined recursively in a way that is quite curious for mathematics . The members are not to be viewed in the actual sense as numbers in the decimal system , but merely as sequences of digits, from the description of which the successor sequence of digits is determined. The starting value is always a positive natural number (or any sequence of digits), usually . To determine the next element, you determine the length of the blocks of identical digits in the previous number and write the frequency and digit for each block one after the other. The number so written is the next term in the sequence.

Illustration of the definition for d = 1

n predecessor n-th successor
1 - 1
2 a one 11
3 two ones 21st
4th a two, a one 1211
5 a one, a two, two ones 111221
6th three ones, two twos, one one 312211
7th a three, a one, two twos, two ones 13112221
... etc.
70 ... Decimal notation has 179,691,598 digits.

Conway sequence for different initial values

d line OEIS link
1 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, 13112221, 1113213211, ... Follow A005150 in OEIS
2 2, 12, 1112, 3112, 132112, 1113122112, 311311222112, ... Follow A006751 in OEIS
3 3, 13, 1113, 3113, 132113, 1113122113, 311311222113, ... Follow A006715 in OEIS
22nd 22, 22, 22, ... ( Episode is stationary )

Mathematical properties

  • The length of the sequence diverges for all starting values with the exception of 22 and grows very quickly. The decimal representation of the 70th sequence member for already has 179,691,598 digits. Asymptotically , the length of the sequential terms increases with speed . This is the so-called Conway constant .
  • If the starting value only contains the digits 1, 2 and 3 and all sequences of the same digits are no more than three digits long, all other elements of the Conway sequence also consist only of the digits 1, 2 and 3, whereby the digit sequence ... 333 ... occurs.

Web links
