Cooperl Arc Atlantique

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Cooperl Arc Atlantique
legal form Société Coopérative Agricole
founding 1966
Seat Lamballe
management Patrice Drillet (president), Emmanuel Commault (directeur général)
Number of employees 5000
sales 2 billion euros
Branch Food production, agribusiness

Cooperl Arc Atlantique , usually just called Cooperl , is a French group of companies active in the agriculture and food industry. It works vertically integrated , which means that it operates, among other things, farm setup and management, pig genetics (breeding), animal feed production, veterinary medicine, fattening, slaughtering, meat processing and marketing from a single source.

The cooperative has 2,700 members and 5,000 employees. 5.55 million animals and 1.4 million tons of feed are produced annually. The slaughter capacity is 100,000 pigs per week. This makes Cooperl one of the largest pig producers and pork processors in Europe. In France, measured in terms of group sales, it is one of the two market leaders in the industry behind Bigard ; in terms of market share, Cooperl is marginally ahead with 22%. The slaughterhouses and deep-freeze houses are located in Lamballe, Montfort-sur-Meu and Saint-Maixent-l'École , and another processing plant in Rochetoirin . Around a third of sales (equivalent to 170,000 tons of goods) are achieved with exports to over 40 countries, especially Great Britain, Eastern Europe, Russia and China.


The company started in 1966 with 24 fatteners, two employees and a good 8,000 pigs produced. In 1978 the Benijo slaughterhouse in Montfort-sur-Meu was acquired. From 1982 supermarkets were supplied, with the takeover of the Logeais company in Vitré in 1987 the production of animal feed was established. In 1988 the cooperative already had 1,650 members and 1,200 employees, producing almost one and a half million pigs and 257 tons of feed. In 1992 they merged with the Coopérative de La Hunaudaye in Plestan , which specializes in animal feed production . After years of expansion, the merger with the ARCA cooperative in Saint-Armel followed in 2008 , the takeover of Brocéliande-ALH in 2009 and Défi Viande in 2011 . In June 2017, Cooperl acquired the delicatessen division of the Holding Financière Turenne Lafayette with the brands Paul Prédault , Lapaulaise de Salaisons , Madrange and Montagne Noire .

Individual evidence

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