Coronavirus mandatory reporting regulation

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Basic data
Title: Ordinance on the extension of the reporting obligation according to § 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 1 and § 7 paragraph 1 sentence 1 of the Infection Protection Act to infections with the novel coronavirus that first appeared in December 2019 in Wuhan / People's Republic of China ("2019-nCoV")
Short title: Coronavirus Reporting Obligation Ordinance (not official)
Abbreviation: CoronaVMeldeV (not official)
Type: Federal Ordinance
Scope: Germany
Issued on the basis of: Section 15 (1) and (2) Infection Protection Act
Legal matter: Security law
References : 2126-13-8
Issued on: January 30, 2020 ( BAnz AT January 31 , 2020 V1 )
Entry into force on: February 1, 2020
Expiry: May 23, 2020 (Art. 18 G of May 19, 2020, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1018, 1036 )
GESTA : M040
Weblink: Text of the regulation
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

With the Regulation on the extension of the reporting obligation under § 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 1 and § 7 section 1, sentence 1 of the Infection Protection Act on infections with the first time in December 2019 in Wuhan / China occurred novel coronavirus ( "2019 Ncov") from January 30, 2020 was in Germany reporting requirement for COVID-19 -Erkrankungs- and -Verdachtsfälle and SARS-CoV-2 introduced duly proven.

The ordinance was in force from February 1, 2020 until the statutory regulation. The reporting obligation for the coronavirus disease-2019 and the virus SARS-CoV-2 has been regulated by law since May 23, 2020, in particular by § 6 Paragraph 1 No. 1 lit. t and Section 7 (1) No. 44a of the Infection Protection Act .

According to the regulation, doctors had to report the following cases to the health authorities:

  • Suspected illness
  • illness
  • death
  • Failure to confirm the suspicion of illness

In all cases, the prerequisite was that there was or could be a reference to SARS-CoV-2. Suspected cases should only be reported if the suspicion is justified according to the state of the art, both by the clinical picture and by a probable epidemiological connection. The recommendation published by the Robert Koch Institute must be taken into account ( Section 1 (2) of the ordinance).

Laboratories (or their management) had to report:

  • direct or indirect detection of the pathogen, if the evidence indicates an acute infection

The validity of the regulation was initially limited to February 1, 2021. Their validity could have been extended with the consent of the Federal Council . However, Article 19 of the Second Law on the Protection of the Population in the Event of an Epidemic Situation of National Scope repealed the ordinance with effect from 23 May 2020.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute for reporting suspected cases of COVID-19. Robert Koch Institute , February 14, 2020, accessed on March 20, 2020 .