Corpo dei vigili del fuoco dello Stato della Città del Vaticano

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The fire station of the professional fire brigade is located in the Cortile del Belvedere

Corpo dei vigili del fuoco dello Stato della Città del Vaticano is the name of the professional fire service of the Vatican . On December 4, 1941 by Pope Pius XII. The established unit is responsible for fire fighting, fire protection and partly for the rescue service of the small state.


The professional fire brigade maintains an operations center and a fire station in the Cortile del Belvedere and has a workforce of 30 employees. The professional fire brigade, like the Vatican police, is subordinate to the Directorate for Security and Civil Protection ( Italian : Direzione dei Servizi di Sicurezza e Protezione Civile).

The employees are also responsible for preventive fire protection in the Vatican and look after the Pope's property . Outside the official opening times of St. Peter's Basilica , the Vatican Museums and the Vatican Gardens, they also occupy a medical service ambulance .


In fact, the Vatican fire department is much older. A Guardie dei Fuoco had existed since 1815. Only this was not an independent unit, but part of the military of the Papal States.

On December 4, 1941, Pius XII. the fire protection from the gendarmerie corps of the Vatican City and formed a separate unit consisting of ten employees. These were trained at fire schools in Italy. Over time, the team increased to 30 men.

In 2002 Pope John Paul II placed the unit under the newly established Directorate for Security and Civil Protection.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Firefighter The Pope's fire department . Retrieved September 11, 2019.
  2. Michael Klöpper fire department magazine, April 27, 2015 Vatican: The Pope's fire department