Corporate architecture

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The BMW four-cylinder and the BMW Museum in Munich are classic examples of corporate architecture

Corporate architecture is a sub-category of corporate design , itself a sub-category of corporate identity, and describes the goal of demonstrating the corporate philosophy through architectural symbols.


Olivetti has been a pioneer of corporate architecture since the 1930s . Previously, in the 1910s, AEG had the designer and architect Peter Behrens design buildings in accordance with the corporate identity.


The architecture is intended to emphasize the recognition value and brand and increase work productivity.

The hallmark of current corporate architecture is openness; at least the entrance area of ​​today's company headquarters is accessible to everyone.

A prime example of successful corporate architecture is the Spanish city of Bilbao , which has upgraded the entire Biscay region with a single building, the Guggenheim Museum (see Bilbao effect ). In Germany, the Elbphilharmonie is striving for a similar phenomenon to revitalize HafenCity .

See also

Architecture icon


  • Messedat, Jons: Corporate Architecture: Development, Concepts, Strategies. Dtsch.-Engl; 2005 av edition, ISBN 978-3-89986-046-7
  • Raffelt, Ursula: Architectural Branding: Understanding and Measuring its Relevance for Brand Communication , Munich: FGM Verlag, 1st edition 2012, ISBN 978-3-940260-24-6
  • Vonseelen, Tanja: Of strawberries and skyscrapers. Corporate Architecture - justification, history and characteristics of an architectural image strategy , Oberhausen: ATHENA-Verlag, 1st edition 2012, ISBN 978-3-89896-438-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Krieger, Regina: Architecture without exclamation marks. in: Handelsblatt dated June 16, 2010, Companies and Markets page 24.
  2.,2828,316169,00.html Manager Magazin, article from September 1, 2004
  3. a b Business cards made of stone. Retrieved June 16, 2010 .