Corporate Europe Observatory

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The Corporate Europe Observatory ( CEO ) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1997 with the stated aim of exposing and attacking the privileged access and influence over the policies of the European Union that the organization believes companies and lobby groups enjoy. The association, based in Brussels , employs a team of 14 (as of March 2015). CEO is recognized by the Dutch tax authorities as a non-profit organization.


CEO had an income of over € 871,018 in 2015, 90% of which was grants . The CEO received the largest grants from the Isvara Foundation (199,990 €), the Adessium Foundation (182,659 €) and the Open Society Foundations (143,707 €).


CEO organizes "lobby tours" through Brussels, showing citizens and journalists where associations and corporations reside in the Euro Quarter and what goals they are pursuing.

Individual evidence

  1. Become a Friend of CEO! - Own representation
  2. a b c About CEO - self-presentation
  3. CEO accounts 2005-2015 (PDF)
  4. ^ The Battle of Brussels ,, August 13, 2014