Corri Wilson

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Corri Wilson (born April 11, 1965 in Ayr ) is a Scottish politician of the Scottish National Party (SNP).


Wilson was born in Ayr, Scotland, in 1965. She worked in the public service for 20 years, most recently at management level. Wilson then gave up her position to turn to a psychology degree. She then worked as a freelancer for several years. She was also director of the Septembayr Festival , Ayrshire Housing and the Ayr Renaissance initiative . Wilson is a mother of two.

Political career

In 2012 Wilson was elected to the Regional Council of the Council Area South Ayrshire for the SNP . In the British general election in 2015 , Wilson ran for the SNP in her home constituency of Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock . She competed against Labor MP Sandra Osborne , who has represented the constituency in the British House of Commons since it was introduced in 2005 . After the SNP gained massive votes in these elections, Wilson achieved the highest percentage of votes and subsequently moved into the House of Commons for the first time. It deals thematically with consumer protection. With a loss of votes, Wilson was unable to defend her mandate in the 2017 general election against the conservative challenger Bill Grant and subsequently left the British House of Commons.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on
  2. a b c d Information from the SNP
  3. a b Results of the general election 2015