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Cossutia came from the Roman lineage of the Cossutii , who belonged to the class of knights . She was the first fiancé of the young Gaius Julius Caesar .

Caesar was not yet 16 years old when he was betrothed to Cossutia by his father . After the early death of his father, Caesar dissolved in 84 BC. Chr. The engagement with Cossutia again in order to be able to enter into his first marriage with Cornelia , the daughter Lucius Cornelius Cinnas . Cossutia's further fate is unknown.



  1. Bernhard Kytzler : Women of antiquity. From Aspasia to Zenobia . Artemis, Munich & Zurich 1994, ISBN 3-7608-1224-4 , p. 57.
  2. ^ Suetonius , Caesar 1, 1.