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A coulometer is a device used to determine electrical charges . The name comes from the unit of charge, the coulomb . There are two objectives:

  • Coulometers can be devices that determine the amount of substance of a substance based on an amount of electrical charge . So you are doing a quantitative analysis . This method is called coulometry ; Coulometers are therefore devices with the help of which a coulometry is carried out, or devices that carry out this more or less automatically. For more see coulometry.
  • Coulometers can be used to determine electrical quantities in a direct current circuit, namely the total charge or a constant current strength . In the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, these devices, invented by Michael Faraday , were widely used in science and technology. In the 19th century, coulometers were called voltameters , for details such as the explanation of the different types see there.