Cova dels Cavalls

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Hunting scene from the Cova dels Cavalls

The Cova dels Cavalls ( Cave of the Horses ), also Cueva de los Caballos , is a site of rock paintings near Tirig , province of Castellón , near the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It is one of the 27 known sites of prehistoric paintings of the 20 km long Barranco de Valltorta . This valley is the second most important Spanish site of cave paintings and other prehistoric works of art after the Altamira Cave .

The Cova dels Cavalls, a 9 m wide and 3 m deep abri , lies on the left side of the Barranco in a vertical rock wall. It shows rich paintings of hunting scenes, especially deer hunting with a bow. It was discovered by Albert Roda in 1917 and examined by Hugo Obermaier and Paul Wernert that same year .

In 1924 the Cova was declared a national cultural monument and in 1998 was added to the list of world cultural heritage under the number 874-277 in the entry Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula . Due to some damage that occurred after the discovery during the 20th century, the paintings were restored in 1998.

The site can be visited on a guided hike from the Museo de la Valltorta .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula. Entry on the UNESCO World Heritage List


  • H. Obermaier, P. Wernert: Las pinturas rupestres del Barranco de Valltorta (Castellón). Mem. Com. Invest, palaeont. prehist. 23, 1919
  • Parc Culturel de la Valltorta-Gassulla, Tírig. International Association “Prehistoric Rock Art Trails” (English)

Web links

Commons : Cova dels Cavalls  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 40 ° 23 '49.9 "  N , 0 ° 4' 2.3"  E