Province of Castellón

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Coat of arms of the province of Castellón
coat of arms
Flag of the Province of Castellón
Spanish name : Castellón
Valencian name : Castelló
Basic data
Autonomous Community : Valencia
Capital : Castellón de la Plana
Official languages : Spanish , Valencian
Area : 6,632 km²
Residents : 579,962 (Jan 1, 2019)
Population density : 87.45 inhabitants / km²
ISO 3166-2 : ES-CS
Website :
Location of the province of Castellón
Provinz Santa Cruz de Tenerife Provinz Las Palmas Portugal Andorra Frankreich Vereinigtes Königreich Marokko Algerien Ceuta Melilla Provinz Cádiz Provinz Huelva Provinz Sevilla Provinz Málaga Provinz Granada Provinz Almería Murcia (Region) Provinz Alicante Balearische Inseln Provinz Córdoba Provinz Jaén Provinz Albacete Provinz Valencia Provinz Castellón Provinz Tarragona Provinz Barcelona Provinz Girona Provinz Lleida Provinz Badajoz Provinz Ciudad Real Provinz Huesca Provinz Cáceres Provinz Toledo Provinz Cuenca Provinz Teruel Provinz Saragossa Navarra Provinz Guadalajara Autonome Gemeinschaft Madrid Provinz Ávila Provinz Salamanca Provinz Soria Provinz Segovia Provinz Valladolid Provinz Zamora Gipuzkoa Bizkaia Álava Provinz Burgos La Rioja (spanische Region) Kantabrien Provinz Palencia Provinz León Asturien Provinz Lugo Provinz A Coruña Provinz Ourense Provinz Pontevedramap
About this picture

Castellón ( Spanish name; Valencian Castelló ) is a province in the Spanish autonomous region of Valencia . It has 579,962 inhabitants (January 1, 2019). Its capital is Castellón de la Plana .


The province of Castellón lies on the Mediterranean coast. It borders in the north on Catalonia ( province of Tarragona ), in the west on Aragon ( province of Teruel ) and in the south on the province of Valencia . The provincial capital is Castellón de la Plana .

In Castellón, in the village of Tirig , the Cova dels Cavalls is home to the second most important cave paintings in Spain after Altamira .


As in the other two provinces of the Valencia region ( Alicante , Valencia ), in Castellón, besides Spanish, Valencian is spoken. Valencian has been the official language in the entire Region of Valencia since 1982 .

Administrative division and largest places

The province of Castellón is divided into eight comarcas , which are administrative districts.

  • Comarca : Spanish (and Valencian) name / capital
  • Alcalatén (L'Alcalaten) / Alcora
  • Alto Maestrazgo (Old Maestrat) / Albocácer
  • Alto Mijares (L'Alt Millars) / Cirat
  • Alto Palancia (L'Alt Palància) / Segorbe
  • Bajo Maestrazgo ( Baix Maestrat ) / Vinaroz
  • Plana Alta (Plana Alta) / Castellón de la Plana
  • Plana Baja (Plana Baixa) / Burriana
  • Los Puertos de Morella (Els Ports) / Morella

A map can be found under Political structure in the article Valencian Community .

Municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2019)

Valencian name Spanish name Residents Larger places in the province of Castellón
Castelló de la Plana Castellón de la Plana 171,728
Biggest towns in the province of Castellón.png
Vila-real Villarreal 50,893
Borriana Burriana 34,683
La Vall d'Uixó Vall de Uxó 31,660
Vinaròs Vinaroz 28,682
Benicarló Benicarló 26,912
Almassora Almazora 26,270
Onda Onda 24,859
Benicàssim Benicasim 18.192
Nules Nules 13,103
L'Alcora Alcora 10,405

Population development of the province

Web links

Commons : Province of Castellón  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero . Population statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (population update).

Coordinates: 40 ° 10 ′  N , 0 ° 10 ′  W