Creed of the people of God

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In German, the creed of the people of God is the solemn creed (Latin sollemnis professio fidei ), which Pope Paul VI. proclaimed on June 30, 1968, in the midst of the Mass liturgy on St. Peter's Square in Rome, at the end of the year of faith 1967/68. Energetically trying to overcome the “post-conciliar crisis” without endangering the reform concerns of the Second Vatican Council , the Pope felt compelled to reaffirm the traditional contents of the Catholic Confession (see: Anti-modernist oath ).

The Credo was gratefully taken up by many theologians and laypeople as a point of orientation, but in the ecumenically oriented, rather liberal theology of German tradition, it was “punished” with almost demonstrative disregard. It was published in the files of the Apostolic See as the papal motu proprio , that is, as a document of comparatively low magisterial status.

The French journalist Jean d'Hospital paid tribute to the Credo in 1969 as follows:

“Conclusion: the inalienable inheritance of the Catholic community is an excellent thing. How has this creed, a creed in the truest sense of the word, been received? Obviously with restraint in Holland; with respectful attention in the United States, Germany, and France, where other national catechisms are emerging; in Italy, Spain and South America with outbursts of joy. The cardinals unanimously see it as beneficial. According to the most famous Catholic writers, it is an encouragement to all sons of the Church. 'It will raise up numerous confused souls,' writes Jacques Maritain . "

Cardinal Georges Cottier , a student of Cardinal Charles Journet from Geneva, told the Italian magazine 30giorni (April 2008) about the genesis of the Credo . It was proposed to the Pope on the initiative of Jacques Maritain by Charles Journet, who reorganized, corrected and supplemented the concept from the pen of Maritain (January 1968), but overall found that Maritain had summarized the sensus fidei , the faith of the baptized, well .


  • Paul VI : Nicolò Suffi (Ed.): Tutti i principali documenti. Latino-italiano (Collectio Vaticana; Vol. 5). Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City 2002, ISBN 88-209-7201-8 , No. 54, pp. 912 ff. (Professio fidei).
  • Paul VI .: The creed of the people of God: on the occasion of the 1900 anniversary of the martyrdom of the holy apostles Peter and Paul in Rome, Paul VI. proclaimed a year of faith; At the end of this year he proclaimed a creed on June 30, 1968 ..., Rome 2008.
  • Paul VI., The Creed of the People of God. Edited and with an introduction by Peter Christoph Düren, Augsburg 2018. ISBN 978-3-940879-58-5 .


  • Paul VI: Echoes of the voice of Christ. "The Credo of the People of God" from 1968 . Initiativkreis Münster, Gescher 2005, ISBN 3-9809748-3-9 .
  • Paul VI .: Profession de foi. Message aux prêtres . Edition du Centurion, Paris 1968.
  • Jean d'Hospital: Three Popes. Pius XII, John XXIII. and Paul VI. ("Trois papes au tournant de l'histoire"). Zsolnay, Vienna 1971.
  • Jörg Ernesti , Paul VI. The biography , Verlag Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau / Basel / Vienna 2016. ISBN 978-3-451-35703-9

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  1. cf. Dutch catechism
  2. AAS 60 (1968), pp. 433-445
  3. d'Hospital: Three Popes ; German 1971; P. 218