Crotalus aquilus

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Crotalus aquilus
Crotalus aquilus.jpg

Crotalus aquilus

Subordination : Snakes (serpentes)
Superfamily : Adder-like and viper-like (Colubroidea)
Family : Vipers (Viperidae)
Subfamily : Pit vipers (Crotalinae)
Genre : Rattlesnakes ( Crotalus )
Type : Crotalus aquilus
Scientific name
Crotalus aquilus
Klauber , 1952

Crotalus aquilus is a species of rattlesnake thatis commonin central Mexico . It was long considered a subspecies of the Mexican plateau rattlesnake ( Crotalus triseriatus ) and was described as a separate species in 1992.


Crotalus aquilus is a small species of rattlesnake that reaches a length of about 60 centimeters. The basic color of the snake is gray to brown, male animals can also have a greenish or yellowish tinge. On the back there are large, dark, almost rectangular spots that become stripes over the entire back towards the tail. The head is usually gray with a dark stripe that extends from the eyes to the back of the mouth opening.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area

The range of the snake is limited to a small region in central Mexico. It lives there in the highlands up to heights of over 3,000 meters. The habitat is characterized by stony and sparsely wooded areas.

Snake venom

The specific effect of the poison is largely unknown. The poison mainly attacks blood cells and destroys them. It leads to local swelling around the bite site, which is very painful.


  1. Michael E. Dorcas: Relationships among montane populations of Crotalus lepidus and Crotalus triseiastrus . In: JA Campbell, ED Brodie Jr. (Eds.): Biology of the Pit Vipers. Selva, Tyler (Texas) 1992; Pp. 71-87
  • Chris Mattison: Rattlers! - A natural history of rattlesnakes. Blandford, London 1996, ISBN 0-7137-2534-6

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