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Hot English Crumpets.

An English crumpet is a thick pancake made from yeast dough with milk . Baking soda is added to strengthen the yeast's driving force . Crumpets are mainly consumed in Great Britain, but also in the former colonies of Great Britain. In Scotland , crumpet refers to a large, thin pancake made from the same ingredients as the traditional scotch pancake .

The word 'crumpet' to the year 1694 back and could cover a crumpled (ger .: crumpled) or loose ( English curled-up ) refer cake. A Celtic origin is also possible. The word could come from the Breton krampoch , a buckwheat pancake, or from the Welsh word crempog , which means a type of pancake.

The English crumpet

A buttered crumpet.

The English crumpet is usually circular (but there are also square and elongated versions) and has a prominent top, which is interspersed with small holes. Crumpets are fried with very little fat, one side is roasted golden brown, the other remains light. Crumpets are mostly sold packaged and roasted. Crumpets have an elastic, sponge-like structure and a fairly neutral taste. Crumpets are usually consumed hot, which makes them crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Most often crumpets are consumed with butter; However, jam , marmite , honey and cheese are also very popular .

A pikelet is similar to a crumpet, but a lot thinner and sometimes irregular in shape. The meaning of pikelet varies regionally: in some regions of Great Britain it traditionally refers to a crumpet, muffin or another so-called teacake .

The Scottish Crumpet

A Scottish fruit crumpet folded next to a pancake.

In Scotland, a crumpet is made with the same ingredients as a scotch pancake, is approximately 180 mm in diameter and approximately 8 mm thick. Scottish crumpets are available both straight and as fruit crumpets with added raisins.

The Scottish crumpet contains a raising agent , usually baking powder , and eggs, flour and milk, which make the crumpet thick. In contrast to pancakes, the Scottish crumpet is only fried on one side, which results in a soft dark side and a light side with small holes caused by bubbles rising during frying. A normal crumpet is available in bakeries, tea houses, and cafes. The English crumpet is mostly available in supermarkets as a supplement to the Scottish crumpet.

English slang

In the English language, the word "crumpet" is used colloquially to refer to a woman or a man as a sexual object of desire. This slang usage also has vulgar extensions, so the term is sometimes used to describe female genitals. "Crumpet" was also used as a word for "tenderness" in the past.


In the British comedy Carry on - Caesar loves Cleopatra puzzle Caesar ( Kenneth Williams ) and Mark Antony ( Sidney James ) about what do the British with "Crumpet" after they have come to the conclusion that " tea time " one of their strange gods.

Web links

Commons : Crumpets  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Alan Eaton Davidson : The Oxford Companion to Food . Ed .: Tom Jaine. 3. Edition. Oxford University Press , New York 2014, ISBN 978-0-19-104072-6 , keyword “crumpet” .