Cruz Roja Salvadoreña

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Cruz Roja El-Salvador.png

Cruz Roja Salvadoreña is the Red Cross movement in El Salvador , it was founded on March 13, 1885 in San Salvador during the reign of Rafael Zaldívar . The focus is on humanitarian aid, international humanitarian law and social work.


The pioneers who began to give the organization legal status in 1884 were Luis Vandyck and Astor Marchesini . Cruz Roja Salvadoreña was recognized on April 25, 1925 by the Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja , based in Geneva .

Departments and tasks of the Cruz Roja Salvadoreña

  • Comite de Damas Voluntarias was founded on June 17, 1906 and is responsible for social support in nursing homes, daycare centers and orphanages and provides clothing, food and medicine for the needy.
  • Cruz Roja Salvadoreña de la Juventud (Salvadoran Youth Red Cross) was founded on December 9, 1926. The group's tasks are to introduce young people to the ideas of the Red Cross. Its goals are social engagement, commitment to health and the environment, action for peace and international understanding, political and social co-responsibility. The Youth Red Cross works with schools, educational institutions, other youth associations and initiatives.
  • Cuerpo de Guardavidas Voluntarios (Lifeguards) was founded by Doctor Ruben Barraza on April 5, 1938, this group is responsible for water rescue on beaches, rivers, lakes and swimming pools, especially during the summer season.
  • Cuerpo de Socorristas Voluntarios is a special group that was founded on October 31, 1951 as a result of the earthquake in the Chinameca and Jucuapa area. It is the main force of the Cruz Roja Salvadoreña in disaster relief for earthquake victims. The group is involved in the national civil protection of El Salvador .
  • Centro de Sangre (blood donation center) in San Salvador

District Associations

The Cruz Roja Salvadoreña in San Salvador is subordinate to 14 Red Cross associations, which are stationed in the densely populated departments of El Salvador .

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