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The débat ( French débat "exchange of words, argument") is a lyrical genre of medieval French literature. Because of its form of dialogue , it is closely related to the Dit , a controversial poem.

In allegorical clothing, it deals mainly with theological and moral topics in a didactic way, e.g. B. the quarrel between soul and body ( Desputeison del cors et de l'ame ), between celibacy and gluttony ( Bataille de Caresme et de Charnage ) or a battle of rank between a cleric and a knight ( Débat du clerc et du Chevalier ). But there are also poems about love and erotic topics. Débats were mostly written by now anonymous poets up to the 15th century. However, they can also be found in the work of Rutebeuf ( inter alia Desputizon dou croisie et dou descroisie ) and François Villon ( Débat du Cœur et du Corps ).