Düğün Salonu

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A Düğün Salonu (from the Turkish Düğün for "wedding" and salon for "hall" ) is a Turkish wedding hall.


The oil crises in the 1970s and 1980s and the global economic downturn in the early 1990s led to an increase in unemployment. Turkish workers were also affected. Many saw the way out of this emergency situation in self-employment . One can speak of a “start-up boom in the 1990s”. One business model was the concept of the Turkish wedding hall. Since then, over 200 Turkish wedding halls have been built in Germany, which are still actively operated today.


Unlike a wedding celebration common in Europe , the traditional Turkish wedding is more a social than a private event . The number of guests can vary between 300 and 1500. The Turkish wedding halls meet this demand with their spacious offer. Often the newlyweds also have so-called complete packages to choose from, which include the wedding car, catering, photographers and much more.

Due to the large capacity, the Turkish wedding halls are increasingly becoming an event space for carnival meetings or company celebrations .


In order to meet the demands of a Turkish wedding, a new type of building was developed. Often these are old warehouses that have been converted into an event hall, or special new buildings with an average capacity for up to 1000 guests and corresponding parking spaces. Business parks with good connections to motorways can also be considered as locations .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The success of the South Turks | impulses . November 30, 2010 ( impulse.de [accessed July 9, 2017]).
  2. List of Dügün Salonu in Germany . In: gelinim.de (ed.): Düğün hazırlıkları burada başlar. | gelinim.de . ( gelinim.de [accessed on July 9, 2017]).
  3. Deniz Baspinar: Wedding in Turkish: It has to be 500 guests . In: The time . April 13, 2010, ISSN  0044-2070 ( zeit.de [accessed July 9, 2017]).
  4. Sonja Kellermann: ARCH +: Contents »Archive» Issue »213: Out of Balance - Critique of the Present / Reader Information Design - Dügün Salonu - the Turkish wedding hall. In: archplus.net. December 3, 2013, accessed July 26, 2017 .
  5. Bernhardt, Anne-Julchen, Weber, Anna, Kellermann, Sonja, Röver, Bruno: Dügün Salonu - the Turkish wedding hall . In: Arch + . tape 213 , 2013, ISSN  0587-3452 ( rwth-aachen.de [accessed on July 9, 2017]).
  6. ^ Deutsche Anwaltshotline AG: Turkish weddings in the industrial area. Retrieved July 9, 2017 .