Dark fame

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Gloomy fame is a fantasy - cycle of Michael A. Stackpole . The cycle was translated by Reinhold H. Mai and is published by Piper Verlag .

The cycle consists of seven volumes and a short story published in a novel that contains several short stories.

  1. To the weapons!
  2. King of the Bleak Dunes
  3. Draconis fortress
  4. Blood dish
  5. Dragon wrath
  6. The great crusade
  7. The power of the dragon crown
  8. The Night of Dark Dreams (supplementary novel)


The events of the novels take place in a fantasy world designed by Stackpole . The background of the stories is the fight of the south against the north. The southern realms consist of different kingdoms, which are primarily inhabited by humans. The wild north is led by the sorceress Kytrin, whose goal is the subjugation of the south. The world is similar to other genre-standard fantasy worlds, but Stackpole brings new races and creatures. A people (elves) is similar to the elves from JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth , but has a number of differences. Other races like Schnatterer, Panqs (humanoid intelligent lizards) and Gyrkyme (winged elves) are entirely new.

The first volume To arms! is written from the perspective of the young Tarrant Valkener, who is taking part in a campaign against Kytrin. The events described in this volume take place 25 years prior to the plot of the following books, and many of the people described in this book appear again in later volumes.

In the following volumes, new protagonists are introduced, who in the course of the story often have to grow into their roles as heroes. Will Norderstett, the son of one of the heroes from the first volume, knows nothing of his origins and spends his life as a thief in the slums of a port city. Kjarrigan Lies, a young magician with considerable potential, has little experience in worldly matters.

Each chapter is written from the perspective of a protagonist, so that the reader is brought closer to their perspective. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the heroes not only rush from battle to battle during their adventures, but also that the background interrelationships and politics between the individual kingdoms of the world are discussed a lot.