D21 Kunstraum Leipzig

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The D21 Kunstraum Leipzig is an art association founded in Leipzig in 2006 , which is dedicated to the promotion and mediation of contemporary art .


The program of the D21 Kunstraum is divided into different formats. There are three to four internationally oriented, thematic exhibitions per year. The “D21 / Lab” format promotes young experimental approaches in art and curation. The accompanying program includes lectures, panel discussions and artist talks. In addition, the D21 Kunstraum shows film series and film festivals on artist and experimental films in various Leipzig cinemas.

The association is a member of the Working Group of German Art Associations (ADKV) . In 2015, 2017 and 2018 the D21 Kunstraum was nominated for the ADKV-ART COLOGNE Prize for Art Associations. The association finances its program through public funding and project-related donations.

Artistic Director

Publications (selection)

  • Juliane Richter, Tanja Scheffler, Hannah Sieben (eds.): Raster concrete. About life in large housing estates between art and slab. Leipzig-Grünau in international comparison , M BOOKS, Weimar, 2017, ISBN 978-3944425061 .
  • Lena Brüggemann / Francis Hunger (Eds.): Search Routines: Tales of Databases , D21 Kunstraum Leipzig, 2015, ISBN 978-3-00-050502-7 .
  • Marina Geitz / Constanze Müller (eds.): INTERIM - Un tunnel transatlantique , nisaba Verlag, 2015, ISBN 978-3-941-37903-9 .
  • Lena Brüggemann / Hannah Sieben (eds.): Taking Site! , D21 Kunstraum Leipzig, 2014.
  • Michael Doktor: England is not the only island in the world - Klaus Hähner-Springmühl, D21 Kunstraum Leipzig, 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ADKV press release of January 8, 2015 (PDF; 46 kB). (Accessed December 29, 2015.)

Coordinates: 51 ° 20 ′ 15.7 ″  N , 12 ° 19 ′ 55.6 ″  E