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A DIN SPEC (SPEC for English specification ) is a standard document that is developed under the direction of DIN, the German Institute for Standardization eV , according to the PAS procedure . Everyone has the opportunity to initiate or develop a DIN SPEC, from companies and organizations to scientific institutions and start-ups . Such a standard can be developed in a workshop process within a few weeks. With a DIN SPEC, a standard can thus be created in a relatively short time, with which a technology that has not yet been standardized can be described. This can be in the interest of a quick market launch of such a technology. DIN ensures that the DIN SPEC does not collide with existing standards and publishes them internationally.

Funding is u. a. possible through the WIPANO program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) for the creation of such standards.

Differences between the DIN standard and DIN SPEC

Due to their respective characteristics, standardization and standardization complement each other. While the instrument of standardization should be chosen when the results require the greatest possible public legitimation, standardization can be used when speed is of the essence and / or the broad consensus is not (yet) necessary or available. A DIN SPEC can be the basis for a DIN standard .

DIN standard

  • Elaboration: takes place in the working committee
  • Experts: Committees have an appropriate and balanced composition and all interested parties are represented.
  • Project application: Decision is made by the responsible body - working committee or, depending on the rules of procedure, by the advisory board.
  • Consensus: full consensus = all interested parties
  • Draft publication: mandatory
  • Financing the project: According to the financing guidelines of DIN or the standards committee. i. d. Usually covered by project funds and contributions.
  • Publication of DIN NORM: Chargeable through Beuth Verlag . By purchasing standards, users ensure that the private-sector organization of standardization work is maintained. Around 75 percent of DIN's work is financed through the sale of standards and membership fees. In addition to the development of the standard texts, it includes the guarantee of a non-overlapping set of standards in its entirety, the harmonization with European and international standards as well as the constant review of the standards for compliance with the current state of technical and scientific development.
  • Inclusion in the German set of standards: Every DIN standard is part of the German set of standards .


  • Elaboration: In a temporary committee (consortium) for the duration of the creation (not an organ of a standards committee).
  • Experts: The consortium will be constituted at the kick-off. Anyone who registers when the business plan is published will be invited. The final group of experts will only be known after the business plan has been approved. At least three different organizations have to work on the project as part of a consortium.
  • Project application: Decision will be made by DIN after the business plan has been published.
  • Consensus: partial consensus = participants in the consortium (majority decisions permitted)
  • Draft publication: optional
  • Financing the project: Members of the consortium finance the DIN SPEC project according to a prior calculation and contractual agreement.
  • Publication of the DIN SPEC: Free of charge from Beuth Verlag. In order to further accelerate the dissemination and thus the development of innovative knowledge, DIN SPEC are offered free of charge.
  • Inclusion in the German set of standards: DIN SPEC are not part of the German set of standards. For them, however, the requirements for uniformity and freedom from contradictions to the German set of standards apply.

Individual evidence

  1. How a DIN SPEC is created. DIN , accessed on April 3, 2020 .
  2. DIN SPEC - Today's idea. Tomorrow standard. DIN , accessed on April 3, 2020 .
  3. innovation policy. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, accessed on August 13, 2018 .
  4. WIPANO - knowledge and technology transfer through patents and standards. DKE , accessed on April 3, 2020 .
  5. a b c Bernd Hartlieb, Albert Hövel, Norbert Müller: Norms and Standardization - Basics . 2nd Edition. Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin / Vienna / Zurich 2016, ISBN 978-3-410-26332-6 , p. 74 f .
  6. ^ DIN eV: What is a DIN SPEC . Briefly explained in: DIN . Issue 94622, March 2016.
  7. a b FAQ DIN SPEC (PAS). Beuth Verlag GmbH, accessed on June 4, 2020 .