Roof avalanche

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A roof avalanche in Füssen

Masses of snow falling from the roofs of houses are referred to as roof avalanches . They arise on sloping roofs according to the same principle as avalanches in mountains .


Roof avalanche warning sign in Canada.
Roof avalanche in northern Spain

When the upper layers of snow loosen (e.g. when the thaw sets in ), they absorb more snow as they slide or roll down and can thus acquire such a size and weight that they pose a risk to people. Objects such as parked cars can also be damaged. Due to the heat given off by the roof, the entire snow cover on the roof can loosen and fall down as a “ slab of snow ”.

Icicles that break off from gutters pose a comparable risk .


Snow guard to protect against roof avalanches

To avoid roof avalanches, various snow guard systems such as snow guard grids, snow guard hooks or snow guard bars can be installed on the roof.

Alternatively, there is the option of installing roof heating or gutter heating. The latter also prevents icicles from forming on the gutter. However, the heaters are expensive and consume a lot of energy, which makes little economic sense.

Legal situation

Roof avalanche warning in Kaufbeuren

From a legal point of view, the house owner (or the person appointed by him) is liable for damage caused by a roof avalanche if he has violated his duty to maintain safety, i.e. has not taken sufficient measures to avoid the roof avalanche.

However, a distinction is made between areas in which it snows frequently and thus the risk of roof avalanches is increased, and areas in which it does not snow as often. In areas with high levels of snow, passers-by and motorists themselves have an obligation to pay attention to the potential escape of a roof avalanche. In the other case, the above-mentioned traffic safety obligation applies to home and company owners. Warning signs, which indicate the possibility of a roof avalanche, can then also bring the injured party to complicity by neglecting the duty of care.

If a roof avalanche damages the building, the natural hazard insurance pays out. This is often offered as an additional cover to home insurance. If cars are damaged by the roof avalanche, the car owner's comprehensive insurance is responsible. If the roof avalanche destroys the car windows, partial comprehensive insurance pays out. Without comprehensive insurance, however, it will be difficult for car owners to get their damage reimbursed. For this they would have to be able to prove in court that the homeowner has not complied with his duty to maintain safety. Often, this proof cannot be provided in court.

Web links

Commons : Roof avalanches  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Snow removal from roofs  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Roof avalanche  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Information on snow guard systems at
  2. Article "Roof heating " on
  3. Article " Gutter heating " on
  4. Roof avalanches and the use of a warning sign , accessed on March 15, 2013.
  5. Avalanche protection in winter - warning signs can prevent accidents , article from August 17, 2012 on
  6. How damage from snow pressure and roof avalanches is insured , accessed on January 13, 2015.