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Dalü ( Chinese  大 捋 , Pinyin dàlǚ  - "big pull") means the "big pull" (on the arms) and is the name for the second level of partner exercises in Taijiquan .

Dalü primarily refers to a form of Tuishou that is executed in the four corners and four cardinal points. Here, too, there are four basic techniques that are assigned to four or eight trigrams ( Shisanshi and Bagua ). The four basic techniques are Cai - pull ( , cǎi ), Lie - split ( , liè ), Zhou - the elbow push / push with the elbow ( , zhǒu ) and Kao - the shoulder push / push with the shoulder ( , kào ).

There are two types of Dalü. With one, movements and directions are fixed, the other allows movements and directions to be handled freely. This exercise goes beyond the circular movements of the Tuishou , because both partners learn to react to others with certain movements.
