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Television broadcast
Original title Dall-As
Jux und Dallerei (from 1992)
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) 1985-1991; 1992-1994
length 60 minutes
genre Comedy , talk show
Moderation Karl Dall
First broadcast January 19, 1985 on RTLplus

Dall-As was one of Karl Dall moderated one-hour comedy - talk show . It was broadcast every fortnight between 1985 and 1991 on RTLplus, now RTL . Several prominent guests were invited per broadcast. One of the concepts of the show was to irritate and provoke the guests. In one case, Dall agreed to the remark to Roland Kaiser:Well, sing now, so that we can get it over with! "Carried away, whereupon Kaiser angrily left the show. The program was recorded in the Hotel Intercontinental in Stuttgart. It was discontinued when Dall changed channels.

From 1992, Dall took up the concept again with the series Jux und Dallerei on Sat.1 . As a result, RTL filed a lawsuit against Sat.1. However, this was rejected by the Munich Higher Regional Court. RTL could "not successfully invoke the idea of ​​having a program in which prominent talk show guests are irritated and provoked by a talk show host, to reveal their personalities and, if possible, to leave the show angry" .

The new series ran on Sat.1 until 1994.

Web links

Dall-As and Jux and Dallerei at fernsehen.de.

Individual evidence

  1. OLG Munich, judgment of September 10, 1992, Az. 6 U 2761/92.