Darkwing Duck (computer game)

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Darkwing Duck is on the same TV show based platformers Run - video game , that of Capcom developed in 1992 for the Nintendo Entertainment System released (NES) was and 1993 for the Game Boy has been ported.


Darkwing Duck is a platformer with some elements similar to Capcom's Mega-Man video game series . The opponents can be defeated with a pistol. At the beginning of the game, the player can choose from three different levels , after which another set of three levels is unlocked. Once all six levels have been completed, Darkwing Duck goes to a floating fortress to compete in a boss fight with the final boss Steel Beak. Some sources claim that the game itself runs on an optimized Mega Man 5 engine.


The development studio Headcannon, which is responsible for Sonic Mania and other well-known games, planned to develop a spiritual successor to the game. However, this project was never realized because the studio could not find a suitable publisher for it.

Individual evidence

  1. Disney's Darkwing Duck Release Information for NES - GameFAQs. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .
  2. Disney's Darkwing Duck Release Information for Game Boy - GameFAQs. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .
  3. Disney's Darkwing Duck - FAQ / Walkthrough - NES - By Rolent X - GameFAQs. Retrieved September 27, 2019 .
  4. Mal: Capcom's Darkwing Duck on the NES. December 1, 2015, accessed September 27, 2019 (Canadian English).
  5. Darkwing Duck - developer behind Sonic Mania planned retro successors. January 9, 2019, accessed February 18, 2020 .