Loan receipt

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Loan (e) n cash receipts were issued between 1914 and 1922 in the German Reich by the Reich Debt Administration in accordance with the Loan Cash Act of August 4, 1914 ( RGBl. P. 340) based on a former Prussian banknote type.

Loan receipt from 1918

Formally, the notes were not "real" banknotes , but had to be accepted as a means of payment by all state treasuries. When they were issued at the beginning of the First World War , the loan notes were legally covered by lending on industrial and agricultural goods , but like all other means of payment they were not exchangeable for gold marks . In fact, they were a form of additional cash creation used during and after the First World War . They circulated parallel to the Reichsbanknotes, Reichskassenscheine and private banknotes as the fifth "banknote type" - in addition to the (tolerated) emergency notes and other money substitute symbols of the federal states, municipalities and large companies - until they were completely devalued during inflation in 1923 in Germany. There were no exchange rate deviations between any of the five banknote types. From August 1923 there was a sixth type of banknote for a short time (so-called "stable-value emergency money"), which again referred to the pre-war gold mark and the US dollar directly in a quote and not, like the aforementioned loan receipts, to the devalued paper mark .

In the time of need from 1848 to 1851, Prussia issued loan receipts with a value of 1 and 5 thalers, which, however, had no right to be redeemed in curant money. These were then replaced by cash orders for 1, 5 and 10 thalers until 1855 , which could then be redeemed in silver thalers.


  • Jürgen Koppatz: Bank notes of the German Empire. transpress publishing house for transport, Berlin 1983.

Web links

Commons : Mark Kreditskassenschein of the German Empire  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Commons : Mark Kreditskassein of the Weimar Republic  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files