The English house

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Title page of the first publication

The English House is the title of a three-volume work by the architect Hermann Muthesius (1861–1927) on English architecture. It is Muthesius' most important publication and shortly after its first publication between 1904 and 1905 it became the standard book for many architects of the then beginning modernism . Despite its high price, it had to be reissued due to strong demand.

In the first volume, Muthesius describes the development of English architecture from the 11th century to the present day. The second volume goes into more detail on the structure and facilities of English country houses and the cultural framework, while the third volume also describes interior design and the innovations that go back to the Arts and Crafts Movement . The books show the original condition of the buildings at the time using black and white photos. Muthesius took the photographs himself during his time as attaché to the German embassy in London from 1896 to 1903. The work was published in its first edition by Ernst Wasmuth Verlag .


  • The English house: development, conditions, layout, construction, furnishing and interior. Vol. 1-3. 1st edition Berlin 1904–1905. (Reprint of the 2nd edition by Gebr. Mann Verlag Berlin: 1999. ISBN 978-3786118534 )
  • Laurent Stalder: Hermann Muthesius. 1861-1927. The country house as a cultural-historical draft , gta Verlag 2008, ISBN 978-3-85676-219-3 , p. 27 ff. (Excerpt here online ; PDF; 1.2 MB)