Data protection advisor

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Data protection advisor

Area of ​​Expertise Data protection and data security
language German
publishing company Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH ( Germany )
Frequency of publication per month
Editor-in-chief Carlo Piltz
Web link
ISSN (print)

The data protection advisor is a legal journal for data protection and data security from dfv Mediengruppe GmbH. The trade magazine first appeared in 1976 and has been published monthly since then. The data protection advisor was published by the Handelsblatt publishing group until 2017 .

The main part of the content is made up of the sections “ data security ”, “data protection practice” and “ case law ”. The publisher names the legal environment of data processing , procedures and methods for data backup and security problems in data networks as subject areas . At the beginning of each issue, the reader should also be informed about current legal events relevant to the topic. In the “Service” section there is a “literature overview” with information on new publications and relevant articles in specialist journals. The issue concludes with a tabular list of events that deal with the topic of data protection .

The core target group are internal and external data protection officers, data protection departments, managing directors , IT security experts, auditors, HR and legal departments.

Web links