Dave Jurasevich

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Dave Jurasevich (* 1950 in Chicago ) is an American amateur astronomer and full-time superintendent at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California. He became known in specialist circles for his photographic discovery of the Soap Bubble Nebula (constellation Swan) in July 2008.

The late detection of this extremely delicate planetary nebula has meanwhile stimulated the search for similar gas clouds in the Milky Way .

Jurasevich graduated from California Polytechnic University with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1972 . He then worked in the chemical industry and dealt with seawater desalination. He has been pursuing his astronomy hobby since the 1960s, when he sharpened his first telescope mirror at the age of 13. For a long time he worked exclusively as a visual observer on eight- to 14-inch monitors, but only switched from double stars and nebulae to astrophotography with CCD in 2002 , where he also deals intensively with hardware and software.

He is married with two children who share his interests in astronomy and mountaineering .

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