David Latham

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David Winslow Latham is an American physicist .

Latham received his undergraduate degree in mathematics from MIT in 1961 and his diploma in astronomy from Harvard University in 1970. He worked in the 1960s in Arizona on a project for the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory , which led to the construction of the MMT on Mount Hopkins in the 1970s led. After planning and building telescopes for more than 20 years, Latham changed his interests into the fields of observational cosmology and redshifts in galaxies.

In 1989, he led a team that published the first candidate for an extrasolar planet found using the Doppler technique , HD 114762b . In 2013 he was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .

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Individual evidence

  1. Astrophysics Science Division Colloquium Series Schedule: Spring 2010. Accessed July 5, 2011 .
  2. Biography David Latham. Retrieved July 5, 2011 .