Dean Mung'omba

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Dean Mung'omba († April 19, 2005 ) was a politician in Zambia .


Dean Mung'omba was a banker with international experience in Luxembourg and Texas (USA), who was also deployed diplomatically. He signed the German-Zambian Agreement on Financial Cooperation for his government on October 28, 1993. He entered party politics in 1991 when the democratization process in Zambia allowed political engagement.

Dean Mung'omba was a post- Kenneth Kaunda opposition politician . He was the representative of the troubled political party landscape in Zambia at that time. He was considered an eloquent speaker, an intellectual and someone who believes in his mission. In 1997 he was arrested on an order from President Frederick Chiluba and imprisoned like Kenneth Kaunda and over 90 soldiers. All were charged with assassinating the president and overthrowing them. The case against Dean Mung'omba was closed in December 1998. A total of 50 death sentences were passed against the other coup suspects in September 1999.

Dean Mung'omba initially chaired the Zambia Democratic Congress . When he merged with six other parties to form the Zambia Alliance for Progress in 1999 , he became their chairman.

Dean Mung'omba died on April 19, 2005 and was buried in the Old Leopards Hill Cemetery in Lusaka.
