Deformation invariants

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In continuum mechanics, the deformation invariants denote the three main invariants of the right or left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor . They represent the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial in the main axis transformation of the distance tensor. At the same time, according to Vieta's theorem , they can also be expressed by the main extensions:


  • the deformation tensor
  • the trace of the deformation tensor,
  • the determinant of the deformation tensor,
  • the inverse of the deformation tensor and
  • the eigenvalues ​​of the deformation tensor.

The above relationships apply to the left Cauchy-Green tensor and the right Cauchy-Green tensor , because both tensors have due

Illustration of the polar decomposition

the same eigenvalues ​​and thus also the same invariants, which makes them mathematically similar to one another . The tensor F is the deformation gradient . The same applies to the symmetrical , positively definite , right and left deformation tensors U and v , which are according to

result from the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient, see picture. Here R is an actually orthogonal tensor with the properties R T · R = 1 and det ( R ) = +1 ( 1 is the unit tensor .) The right and left deformation tensor have due

the main elongations λ 1,2,3 as eigenvalues, because they are also similar to each other:

Because the deformation gradient is always and everywhere invertible, so are the distance sensors.

The third invariant also represents the square of the volume ratio :

If the material behavior is incompressible ( ), the third invariant of the distance sensors remains the same as the identity.
