Delany's swamp climbing mouse

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Delany's swamp climbing mouse
Subordination : Mouse relatives (Myomorpha)
Superfamily : Mice-like (Muroidea)
Family : Nesomyidae
Subfamily : Delanymyinae
Genre : Delanymys
Type : Delany's swamp climbing mouse
Scientific name of the  subfamily
Musser & Carleton , 2005
Scientific name of the  genus
Hayman , 1962
Scientific name of the  species
Delanymys brooksi
Hayman, 1962
Distribution area

Delany's swamp climbing mouse ( Delanymys brooksi ) is an African species of mice that is so different from all other rodents that it is assigned to its own genus ( Delanymys ) and subfamily (Delanymyinae).

This reddish mouse has a body length of only 6 cm; the tail is considerably longer at 10 cm. With an average weight of 5 g, the swamp climbing mouse is one of the lightest species of mice. The fur is reddish brown on top and beige on the underside. The long tail can be used for grasping with restrictions. There are four full and one stunted toes on the front feet, and five toes on the hind feet. All toes have claws. The species is only widespread in the mountains near Lake Kiwu , i.e. in the territories of Burundi , Rwanda , Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo . Here she lives at altitudes between 1700 and 2600 m, where she searches for plant material in the swampy bamboo thicket at night .

The swamp climbing mouse was described in 1962. Because of the peculiarities of their teeth, they were often united with the African rock mice in a common subfamily Petromyscinae. Morphologically, however, both are completely different and are therefore both managed in their own subfamilies in modern systematics (McKenna & Bell 2000, Wilson & Reeder 2005). The systematic position of the swamp climbing mouse remains unexplained.

Due to ongoing habitat destruction , Delany's swamp climbing mouse is listed as endangered (vulnerable) by the IUCN .

The epithet Delanymys refers to the British zoologist Michael James Delany (1928-2013).


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. 2 volumes. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD et al. 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Volume 2. 6th edition. 1999, p. 1492.
  2. a b Don E. Wilson , DeeAnn M. Reeder (Ed.): Mammal Species of the World . 2 volumes. 3. Edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 (English, Delanymyinae ).
  3. a b Delanymys brooksi in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2011. Posted by: Dieterlen, F. & Kerbis Peterhans, J., 2008. Accessed September 23, 2012 found.