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Delphi.NET (also Delphi for the Microsoft .NET Framework ) was a RAD programming environment in which one could develop with Object Pascal for the Microsoft .NET Framework .

A complete IDE is available: a GUI designer for VCL.NET, a database administration tool, a well-equipped editor, refactoring options, a visual SQL query editor and much more.

The last version of Delphi that Delphi for .NET contains is the 2007 version which is integrated in the Borland Developer Studio 2007. After that, the approach was not pursued further, but instead relied on a plug-in called "Delphi Prism" (licensed by RemObjects), which makes Object Pascal available as the language for Visual Studio and the Microsoft .NET compiler.

Embarcadero Technologies , which later took over the former Borland developer products, distributed Delphi Prism as part of RAD Studio up to version XE3. RemObjects continues to sell the product under the name Oxygene (as of July 2016).

See also