Delphin-Verlag (Munich)

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The Dolphin Publishing was a German publisher . It was founded by Richard Landauer (1882–1960) in 1911 in Munich . In the 1920s the series of small dolphin art books appeared . In 1933 the publishing house was relocated to Landshut and deleted from the commercial register in 1937. After the forced closure in 1945, the publishing house was discontinued.

The Dolphin Publishing is not the same as the children's and non-fiction publishing Dolphin Publishing , based in Cologne.


  • Barbara Schier: The Delphin Verlag Dr. Richard Landauer. A study to eliminate a Jewish publisher in the Third Reich. In: Hist. Commission of the Börsenverein des Dt. Buchhandels (Ed.), Buchhandelsgeschichte 1995/2;

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Claudia Joos: British book publishers between intellectual independence, economic interest and patriotic obligation at the time of the Second World War. ( online )
  2. ^ Entry in the catalog of the German National Library; Retrieved May 26, 2013