Demand management

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Demand management or demand management generally refers to concepts that attempt to reconcile the demand for goods or services with the various processes in the company .

Such concepts are developed in different industries, so there are different directions such as:

In the organization which has point of scheduling the task , the demand management within several operational functions to implement.

According to ITIL , the goal is to understand, anticipate and influence the customer's need for services in order to ensure that sufficient capacity is available to flexibly meet the demand.

At the macroeconomic level, the concept describes the attempt to avoid recessions by controlling economic needs . It thus corresponds to the principle of Keynesianism (the state intervenes as a regulating force in economic activity).

Individual evidence

  1. Demand Management - definition in the Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon
  2. Ebert, Christof .: Systematic Requirements Engineering: Determine, specify, analyze and manage requirements . 5th, revised. Edpunkt, Heidelberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-86490-139-3 , p. 428 .
  3. Demand Management - definition at (English)


  • Colleen Crum and George E. Palmatier: Demand Management Best Practices: Process, Principles and Collaboration (Integrated Business Management) , J Ross Pub Inc (2003), ISBN 1-932159-01-0 .