Democratic Alliance for Egypt

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The Democratic Alliance for Egypt ( Arabic التحالف الديمقراطي من أجل مصر) was a coalition of political parties in Egypt that was formed as a result of the 2011 coups . The dominant party in the group was the Islamist Freedom and Justice Party of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood .


The alliance was originally constituted in June 2011 from 28 parties, including the Freedom Egypt Party , the liberal New Wafd Party , the leftist National Progressive Unionist Party (Tadschammu), the Salafist -aligned Al-Nour Party and the centrist Party of Justice .

In the meantime, the alliance consisted of over 40 parties, including the Freedom and Justice Party of the Muslim Brotherhood , the New Wafd Party, the liberal al-Ghad Party , the nationalist Arab Democratic Nasserist Party , the Nasserist Party of Dignity and several smaller parties belonged. The parties differed in their domestic political orientation, but were united in their support for a more nationalistic, less pro-Western foreign policy.

Due to internal disputes, there was an increasing number of people leaving the Democratic Alliance from the end of July 2011. First, the Democratic Front Party and the Tajammu Party separated from the alliance. The Tajammu justified this step with the individual actions of the Salafist parties on July 29, 2011, which was actually planned as "Friday of the national front". The Front Party and Tajammu joined the left-wing Egyptian bloc , which at the time of the elections consisted of three parties. Because of discrepancies over the lists, the party of light and the Wafd party split from the alliance in the fall. The Party of Light subsequently founded its own electoral alliance, the Islamist Bloc .

Coalition parties

The Democratic Alliance recently consisted of eleven political parties from different political currents:


In the 2011 and 2012 parliamentary elections , the Democratic Alliance for Egypt consisted of just eleven parties in October 2011, including the Freedom and Justice Party, the al-Ghad Party, the Labor Party , the Ahrar Party and the Party of Dignity. With these parties, the alliance entered parliamentary elections on November 28, 2011.

The Democratic Alliance won 10,138,134 of a total of 27,065,135 valid votes, or 37.5% of the total. She received 127 seats out of a total of 332 in the Egyptian parliament. The 127 seats are divided between the members of the alliance as follows:

In addition, Freedom and Justice Party independent candidates won 101 seats out of a total of 167, which were intended for independent candidates. As a result, the Democratic Alliance won 228 seats out of a total of 498 (45.8%) in the Egyptian People's Assembly , making it the strongest political force in parliament.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Democratic Alliance. In: Egyptian Elections Watch. Al Ahram, November 18, 2011, accessed November 28, 2011 .
  2. ^ A b Egypt after the Revolt. Emboldened Muslim Brotherhood May Emerge from Egypt's Spring Power Transition
  3. ^ A b c Democratic Alliance for Egypt . November 18, 2011. Retrieved January 10, 2012.
  4. a b c d Political Party Monitor Egypt 2011. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung , November 27, 2011, accessed on May 20, 2012 .