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Cucumaria miniata

Cucumaria miniata

Trunk : Echinoderms (Echinodermata)
Sub-stem : Eleutherozoa (Eleutherozoa)
Class : Sea cucumber (Holothuroidea)
Subclass : Dendrochirotacea
Order : Dendrochirotida
Scientific name
Pit , 1840
Mouth tentacles of Cucumaria miniata

The Dendrochirotida are an order of sea ​​cucumbers . The animals live worldwide in all oceans, often in coral reefs , but also in the polar seas and in temperate zones. Psolus phantapus occurs in the North Sea and also reaches the Kattegat , the range of Thyonidium pellucigum extends into the western Baltic Sea . The sea ​​apples ( Pseudocolochirus ), which are occasionally offered in specialist shops for keeping in saltwater aquariums , are known.


The most striking feature of the Dendrochirotida are the 10 to 30 long, tree-like branched mouth tentacles that they stretch out into the open water to catch plankton and detritus. In German they are therefore also called bush tentacle sea rollers . The tentacles can be everted. There are species with and without a creep sole. There are water lungs , statocysts are not. The gonads are tufted. The largest Dendrochirotida species is Cucumaria frondosa , which can reach a length of 60 centimeters.

Most species live buried in the ground or hidden under stones and reveal their existence only through the tentacles stretched out into the water.


The order Dendrochirotida belongs to the subclass Dendrochirotacea . It differs from the Dactylochirotida , the second order of the Dendrochirotacea, by the shape of the mouth tentacles and the sclerite . There are 90 genera and 555 species in the order.


  • Volker Storch, Ulrich Welsch: Systematic Zoology . G. Fischer, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-437-25160-0
  • Horst Füller u. a .: Urania animal kingdom, invertebrates: 2 . 2nd Edition. Urania-Verlag, Leipzig 2000, ISBN 3-332-01175-8

Web links

Commons : Dendrochirotida  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
  1. Kerr, Alexander M. 2000. Holothuroidea. Sea cucumbers. Version 01 December 2000. in The Tree of Life Web Project