Velké Koloděje depot

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The Velké Koloděje depot (also known as the Velké Koloděje hoard ) is a depot of the Early Bronze Age Aunjetitz culture from Velké Koloděje , a district of Sezemice nad Loučnou in Pardubický kraj , Czech Republic . It dates between 2000 and 1800 BC. The remaining parts of the depot are now in the Pardubice Museum .

Find history

The depot was first mentioned in 1939. It was discovered while excavating tree stumps. The date of the find and the exact location are unknown.


The depot originally consisted of seven eyelet neck rings . Only one of these remains. It is probably made of copper and not bronze . It is made from a rod with a circular cross-section. The ends are tapered and broken off.


  • Martin Bartelheim : Studies on the Bohemian Aunjetitzer culture. Chronological and chorological investigations (= university research on prehistoric archeology. Vol. 46). Habelt, Bonn 1998, ISBN 3-7749-2867-3 (also: Berlin, Freie Universität, dissertation, 1998), p. 276.
  • Václav Moucha : Hoards from the early Bronze Age in Bohemia. Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Prague 2005, ISBN 80-86124-57-6 , p. 162 ( online ).
  • Tilmann Vachta : Bronze Age hoards and their sites in Bohemia (= Berlin studies of the ancient world. Volume 33). Edition Topoi, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-9816751-2-2 , p. 251 ( online ).