The shadow walker

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The Shadow Walker is a thriller by Monika Feth . The book was published by cbj in 2009 . The Shadow Walker is the fourth book in the series about Jette and Merle.


Imke Thalheim, Jette's mother and successful crime writer, receives a letter from a fan. In it, the fan writes that he loves her and that he will get her. Imke feels threatened by him and turns to Commissioner Bert Melzig. This advises her to report a stranger, which Imke finally does. The stalker continues to write her letters and e-mails and also calls her.

Meanwhile, Jette and Merle are looking for a bigger house, as Mina, Ilka and Mike have added to their flat share. They eventually find an old farm, and while visiting, Jette falls in love with student Luke Tadikken.

The stalker continues to terrorize Imke. He even breaks into her house. The police cannot find any fingerprints . Bert Melzig is at a loss. Imke has not yet told Jette that she is being threatened because she doesn't want Jette to be in danger again. Finally, Imke decides to go into hiding for a while to escape the stalker, and she has to tell Jette about what happened.

Before she leaves, Imke wants to hire an office worker to take care of everything while she is away. One of the applicants is Luke Tadikken. Imke decides for him. When Jette finds out, she is disappointed. She believes Luke only met her because she is the daughter of a well-known best-selling author.

When Manuel, the stalker, notices that Imke cannot be found, he breaks into her house again. There he also meets Imke's domestic help and, since she cannot tell him where Imke is, he kills her. Jette finds the dead woman and calls Bert Melzig. Again, no clues are found as to who the stalker is. Imke then wants to come back to Bröhl, but Melzig can convince her that this is exactly what the stalker is hoping for.

Manuel doesn't know what to do next and kills the buzzard who was always a protector for Imke. When Imke still doesn't come back, he decides to use Jette. He also chases Merle and cuts up her bicycle tires.

Jette's old car is now broken and she is looking for another used car. She finds it in the workshop where Manuel works. Not knowing that Manuel is her mother's stalker, she goes on a control drive with him. Manuel kidnaps Jette to force Imke to return. His plan works, and Imke accepts his suggestion to swap himself for Jette.

Jette and Imke finally escape and Manuel is shot. The official version is that Manuel’s gun was loaded and one shot was fired. But Jette thinks that her mother could also have shot.


  • "Complex, gripping must-read." (Westdeutsche Zeitung)
  • "Monika Feth tells the fourth part of the Jette thriller in the usual breathtaking way." (Aachener Zeitung)
  • "No cheap effects, just well written and suitable for immediate devour." (Saarbrücker Zeitung)

Other books in the series
