The foolish angel

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The foolish angel (English title The Stupidest Angel ) is a 2004 published novel by the American author Christopher Moore .


Little Josh sees Lena Marquez killing her ex-husband Dale with a spade. Since Dale is still in his Santa Claus costume, Josh thinks Santa has died. He wants nothing more than that Santa Claus should live again. The archangel Raziel is currently looking for a child whom he can grant a wish. So he helps Josh and lets Dale rise again, unfortunately the other dead from the cemetery too. These disturb the pre-Christmas mood in the tranquil Pine Cove immensely.


As in many of Christopher Moore's books, there are all sorts of crazy characters in The Foolish Angel , but they are, in a somewhat exaggerated way, types of people that everyone somehow knows. For example, there is a cop growing marijuana in the garden, a mentally impaired ex-actress, an arrogant, wealthy real estate agent and a womanizer who was a former pilot of a Micronesian airline (and has a flying fox with him). In addition, the angel who comes to earth is considered by the people to be a perverted nutcase. So the characters all target society in their own way.

Some of the characters appeared in earlier works by Christopher Moore. The Archangel Raziel in The Biff Bible , the Mad Actress, the Cop and a few others in The Lustmolch . The pilot and his flying fox are from The Sky Goddess . There are also other characters that appear in Der Lustmolch and Der kleine Demonenberater .

