Detlef Hoche

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Detlef Hoche (born April 22, 1952 in Germany ) is a German author of didactic textbooks and learning programs.


He is a physicist and mathematician, programmer and head of department, and a musician. Hoche completed a legal clerkship and then worked as a high school teacher. The appointment as a consultant for physics in the technical supervision took place in 1993 at the then Oberschulamt Stuttgart. Since 1996, Hoche has been a lecturer in physics at the State Seminar for Didactics and Teacher Training (Gymnasium) in Stuttgart.

In the 2004/05 school year he received an appointment as a teacher in mathematics at the State Seminar for Didactics and Teacher Training (Gymnasien) in Stuttgart. Since September 2004, Hoche was acting division manager; the appointment as head of department was in May 2005 with acquisition of the title (high school) professor. He became deputy seminar leader on August 1, 2008. He retired at the end of the 2016/17 school year.

In addition to textbooks, he developed a math trainer, which has won several awards, and the “Dictation” program.

Hoche developed the “Griffel - Learn to Write with Marie” app, which enables elementary school children to write on the iPad with their fingers or a pen.

In the greater Stuttgart area, Hoche also appears together with Sylvia Ernst (singer) as the guitarist of "Ernst (es) Entertainment".

Works (selection)

  • with Lothar Meyer (ed.), Gerd-Dietrich Schmidt: Duden, basic knowledge school. Part: Physics 5th to 10th grade , 5th edition, Dudenverlag, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-411-71465-0 .
  • with Lothar Meyer (Ed.), Gerd-Dietrich Schmidt: Duden, Abiturwissen. Part: physics. Duden-Schulbuchverlag, Berlin 2004, ISBN 978-3-411-00220-7 .
  • Dictation of German as a Foreign Language , Heureka-Klett, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 978-3-12-133013-3 . (Software)
  • Moebius: Teaching software natural sciences , Klett, Stuttgart 1996. (Software)
  • Mintext: Natural sciences teaching software , Klett, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 978-3-12-114810-3 . (Software)
  • Try-Text: Model of a word processor , Klett-Schulbuchverlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-12-131504-8 . (Software)


  • for Klett math trainer : Comenius-EduMedia-Siegel and Comenius-EduMedia-Medal 2011, 2010, 2009 as well as other years and 2007 the "Giga-Maus" as the best mathematics learning program .
  • for dictation : digita 2002

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Schäfer: Math lessons: Away from dull calculation. In: April 4, 2012, Retrieved June 26, 2017 .
  2. SEMINAR-STUTTGART-GYM - seminar leader. In: Retrieved June 26, 2017 .
  3. "Griffel - Learning to Write with Marie". In: iTunes App Store. Retrieved June 25, 2017 .
  4. Sylvia sings and Detlef is allowed to accompany ... Ernst (es) Entertainment, accessed on September 18, 2018.
  5. ^ Klett math trainer 10. In: Retrieved June 26, 2017 .
  6. Giga-Maus 2007 awarded at the Frankfurt Book Fair. In: October 10, 2007, accessed June 26, 2017 .
  7. Winner << GIGA-Maus - the media award from ELTERN family. Retrieved June 25, 2017 .
  8. digita - Winners & Nominees - 2002. In: Retrieved June 26, 2017 .