German-Finnish Rundschau

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German-Finnish Rundschau

description German magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Finland and German-Finnish relations
language German
publishing company Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag (Germany)
First edition 1968
Frequency of publication four times a year
Widespread edition 9,000 (2018) copies
editor German-Finnish Society
Web link German-Finnish Rundschau

The German-Finnish Rundschau (DFR) is a regular magazine that is mainly devoted to Finland and topics of German-Finnish relations . The magazine was founded in 1968 and has been published four times a year since then. The printed periodical edition is 9,000 copies (2018). The publisher is the German-Finnish Society , which organizes this magazine. It is published by the Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag . The magazine is the organ of the German-Finnish Society eV ( and is made available to members free of charge.

The DFR focuses on topics from Finnish society, culture and politics; economic and environmental issues are also dealt with. Travel reports and recommendations complete the magazine. News about the German-Finnish society appears in the margin, usually only two of the 56-page magazine are reserved for this.

Some of the authors include well-known writers, scientists and journalists such as Siegfried Löffler, the long-time Finland correspondent and reporter for the Helsinki Conference .

Web links

  • German-Finnish Rundschau
  • German-Finnish Society eV (

Individual evidence

  1. Dr. Siegfried Löffler turns 80 today , May 2, 2009, accessed on March 27, 2014 .