German information

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Page 1 of German information no.250 of October 12, 1937
Text of page 2

The German information was an anti-Nazi exile magazine that appeared in Paris from 1936.


The German information appeared with three or five issues a week. The editors were Heinrich Mann , Rudolf Breitscheid , Max Braun and Bruno Frei . The information of the sheet were supplemented by side dishes such as the colorful side , business supplement , union leaflet , cultural policy supplement , monthly report and others. The paper format was similar to DIN A4, the text was written with a typewriter without umlauts.

The editions were published in French under the title Nouvelles d'Allemagne .

From 1938 to 1940, the German information appeared combined with the German communications .

Reports No. 250, October 12, 1937

page 1

France and England are to surrender their colonies

This is the heading under which the National Socialist press calls for the return of the former German colonies. On the basis of a report in the Berliner Börsen-Zeitung on October 7th, it is stated that “the Nazis are speculating primarily on the North African possessions of France.” The leading article in the Essen national newspaper “Volk ohne Raum” is quoted with statements such as “.. the overseas settlement area under British rule [is] much too large for the national strength of the motherland. "

Page 2

Grandstand disaster at the Eifel maneuvers

A grandstand was set up in Lommersum for the parade at the end of the "great Eifel maneuver" . There were more than 1,000 spectators in the stands, including invited guests from the diplomatic corps. It collapsed at the beginning of the parade "and there were several hundred seriously and slightly injured." While the population assumed that the grandstand was too light, the criminal police tried to "solve the alleged crime".

Shortwave receivers with interference protection are particularly sought after

The Gestapo is taking action against the trade in shortwave receivers into which special shortwave interference protection has been built. There is also a search for radio amateurs who “install special interference protection systems for shortwave against good earnings.” Since spring there has been “a noticeable desire to buy” for shortwave receivers in major German cities, especially for the German freedom broadcaster on wave 29.8 " to listen. Devices with “special protection against short-wave interference” were therefore preferred.

Instead of care - spying

From the Reich Minister for Justice , Dr. Gürtner was made available to the courts by order of the National Socialist People's Welfare as an investigative aid. According to his press release, it should be "an aid to the administration of criminal justice and not to the accused." It also "helps to decide on the punishment or to order security proceedings or emasculation ...". “The Reich Justice Administration and the National Socialist Welfare Organization are beginning a joint effort that has nothing in common with the welfare concept of a bygone era.” He said this at the end of his press release.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ ZDB catalog on German information