German Levante Newspaper

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In the second decade of the 20th century, the Deutsche Levante-Zeitung was, according to the subtitle, a monthly for trade and traffic with the Mediterranean and Levante countries . The magazine was published from issue 1 from 1911 to issue 10 from July 1920 by the German Levante Line in Hamburg .

The paper in the Hamburg publishing house of the Deutsche Levante-Zeitung appeared twice a month during the First World War in 1916 and 1917 with the subtitle Organ der Deutsche Levante-Linie, the Hamburg-Amerika-Linie , the Mediterranean-Linie Rob. Sloman jr. , the German-Turkish Association , the German-Bulgarian Association and the German Balkan Association .

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Individual evidence

  1. Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library
  2. Compare the information from the Commerzbibliothek of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce according to the Common Union Catalog (GVK)