German insurance newspaper

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The German Insurance Newspaper. The organ for the entire insurance industry was a traditional German specialist magazine for the insurance industry .

It was founded in Frankfurt am Main in 1859 by the economic writer Theodor Saski and was first published in 1860 in folio format . In 1862 it was taken over by AF Elsner in Berlin and significantly expanded, and was widely used. It appeared twice a week, dealt with legislation, legal questions and statistics of the insurance industry, but also provided information on foreign insurance systems. The magazine was later continued by Elsner's heirs.

In 1943 the journals Deutsche Versicherungs-Presse , Deutscher Versicherungs-Dienst and Neumanns Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen were merged with the Deutsche Versicherungs-Zeitung to form a joint edition entitled Deutsche Versicherung , which only existed until 1944.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peter Koch: History of Insurance Science in Germany , edited by the German Association for Insurance Science eV on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe 1998, ISBN 3-88487-745-3 , p. 117; preview
  2. Joachim Kirchner: The German magazine system, its history and its problems; Part 2: From the Congress of Vienna to the end of the 19th century , Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1962, p. 185
  3. ^ Theodor Saski: The economic importance of insurance and the benefits of the individual insurance branches , Leipzig 1866, p. 16; preview
  4. ^ F. Mauke: Yearbooks for Economics and Statistics , Volumes 32–33, p. 128
  5. ^ Peter Koch (Ed.): Contributions to the history of the German insurance industry, part 2 , Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe 2005, ISBN 3899521935 , p. 56; preview