German Association for Animal Nutrition

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The Deutsche Verband Tiernahrung e. V. (DVT) is a German trade association of companies that manufacture, store or trade feed , premixes and additives for livestock and pets .

With around 260 member companies representing around three quarters of the German feed market, the association represents the largest interest group in the industry in Germany.


The purpose is, among other things:

  • as a professional association representing the interests of its members vis-à-vis the legislature , executive , institutions, organizations, other business circles and in particular in public,
  • Promotion of the exchange of economic, scientific and technical knowledge and experience,
  • Advocate fair competition within the feed industry and, for this purpose, take all necessary measures,
  • Maintaining contact with representatives of science, agricultural organizations and neighboring branches of industry.


The association's activities include:

  • Information and advice for members on questions relating to the feed sector, including feed, veterinary and food law, economic, agricultural and agricultural market policy, science and technology as well as environmental and health policy.
  • Preparation of opinions, reports and recommendations on specific topics in committees and specialist departments
  • Support in developing common analysis, process, production and quality standards
  • Maintenance and expansion of databases on compound feed, feed materials and undesirable substances
  • Organization of conferences and seminars and participation in the content design and implementation
  • Education and training of young professionals


The regional groups north, north-west, west and south are set up within the association. In order to be able to take into account the regional and feeding-specific aspects in the work of the association, the chairmen of the regional groups and the specialist department are also members of the DVT board.

The general assembly elects further members of the board. This also elects the President and the Vice-Presidents, who together form the Presidium. All committees are supported in terms of content and organization by the association's office in Bonn.

The association is a member of the European Association of the Compound Feed Industry (FEFAC). The DVT represents the interests of its members at European level through FEFAC.

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