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The Stega (abbreviation for Statistical Society ) was the cover name of a secret organization of the Heereswaffenamt and the Reich Association of German Industry in the Weimar Republic . Contrary to the provisions of the Versailles Treaty , it served the rearmament of Germany by planning to mobilize the armaments industry.

The organization

The Stega was founded on January 26, 1926. It consisted of the main commission and a number of regional commissions. The activity was voluntary. The first focus of work was the "Stega program", in which the manufacturing options for armaments were explored.



Main commission

Working Committee

  • Wilhelm Landmann
  • Quick
  • Kurt concern
  • Arbogast von Düring (Managing Director)

Head of the regional commissions


  • Ernst Hansen: Reichswehr and Industry. Arms industry cooperation and economic mobilization preparations 1923–1932 . Harald Boldt, Boppard 1978 ISBN 3764616865 , passim