German money
As German money refers to coins that were minted by German mints and printed in Germany notes that own or in German currency areas character of a cash possessed.
In Germany, the following currencies were and are valid and issued in the form of currency coins , commemorative coins and banknotes (sorted by date of introduction):
- Various currencies based on guilders and thalers , among others, until 1873 (each state had its own currency; the so-called convention thaler was used for international trade ).
- Goldmark and Silbermark 1873–1919
- Paper marks 1919–1923
- Rentenmark 1923–1924
- Reichsmark (between 1924 and 1948)
- Deutsche Mark (between 1948 and 2001)
- Mark of the German Central Bank (between 1964 and 1967)
- Mark of the GDR (between 1974 and 1990)
- Euro (since 2002)
Web links
Commons : Money of Germany - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files