Germany picture booklet

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Issue 9 in the series (1933)

Deutschland-Bildheft was a series of publications by Universum-Verlagsanstalt GmbH Berlin-Tempelhof that appeared in the German Reich and was published from autumn 1933 to 1940 in agreement with the Reichsfremdenverkehrsverband and Bund Deutscher Verkehrsverbände. About 300 issues with 15,000 pictures have been published. The motto of the trilingual booklet was: Get to know Germany! Advertise for Germany! Due to the outbreak of the Second World War, the series was discontinued. The issue price was 20 pfennigs.

In the GDR, at the beginning of the 1950s, similarly designed area and city picture booklets at Dewag-Verlag Bautzen continued the series, for example with a 48-page Dresden booklet.


  • Roland Jaeger: Collection of domestic travel greetings. The “Deutschland-Bildhefte” in the Universum publishing house, Berlin. In: Manfred Heiting, Roland Jaeger (Hrsg.): Autopsy. German-language photo books 1918 to 1945. Volume 1. Steidl Verlag, Göttingen, 2012, pp. 404–415. ISBN 978-3-86930-412-0

Individual evidence

  1. Roland Jaeger: Collective work of homeland travel greetings , 2012, p. 413
  2. ^ Dresden , at DNB